NYC convenience store owners weren’t going to wait for the police.

Linked in post by Daniel Lewkovitz

We are stunned and saddened that this situation had to come to this, but the reality is that public police services are just too overwhelmed to protect the citizenry. What is most shocking is the various comments on this post. People are shocked and “sickened” by the video.

This is a tame video compared to what security guards face every day. Just read through the blog posts here at TheGuardDesk! Security guards; were killed at work for minimum wage!

This video is a perfect metaphor for a broken system and a woke culture that believes words are violence. It is time that the bad guys realize we will not tolerate them and that if they continue to push business owners to the brink, we will fight back.

As for the people who say this was excessive… I say you must be clueless about the realities small businesses face. That criminal would walk out with thousands of dollars worth of product. The police were not coming until tomorrow, and the insurance company would never pay out that claim because the staff watched it all happen. Even if insurance paid out, it would be less than the deductible; the owner would have lost a week’s profit.

We have to face facts. Until elected officials get serious about mental health care, improving policing practices, offsetting the cost of private security with tax cuts and legislated insurance discounts. Until legislators force change, like proper security training for retail workers, videos like this will become more regular.

To all the heroes out there, both licenced security professionals and untrained retail workers left to fight for their lives; we salute you. Be safe out there.